U.S. Embassy Nairobi Human Resources Office encourages interested job applicants to apply for any of our open positions!
Available Positions
- Warehouse Worker – All Interested Applicants
- Office Management Assistant
- Information Management Assistant – USEFMs, Re-issue
- Investigative Assistant – USEFMs, Re-issue
Please use the following link to view all currently available vacancies and submit applications: https://erajobs.state.gov/dos-era/ken/vacancysearch/searchVacancies.hms
Click on the position to view it’s details.
To Apply
If you don’t have an account yet, please create one using the instructions below. Login using the password that you created and answer all the questions. You are required to submit a complete online application with all required supporting documents by the deadline of each vacancy.
How to create an account in ERA:
Step 1: Visit: https://erajobs.state.gov/dos-era/ken/vacancysearch/searchVacancies.hms
Step 2: Click the Position Title
Step 3: Click the APPLY TO THIS VACANCY button
Step 4: Click the CREATE ACCOUNT button
Step 5: Fill in the blanks as required.
Step 6: Click NEXT – you will be asked to create a password. Your password must have at least 12 characters and must include at least one alphanumeric (upper and lower case), one digit, one special character and no spaces. The password will be valid for 60 days and so must be changed before expiry. Answer three security questions. These are used if you can’t remember your password. Answer each question in a way that you will easily remember.
Job application
Step 1: Click the Position Title
Step 2: Click APPLY TO THIS VACANCY button
Step 3: Login using the password that you created
You must answer all of the questions, upload required documents and submit.
You will use the same account that you have set up whenever you apply for other positions in future.