Meet the Kenya’s youngest Assistant County Commissioner Rehema Kiteto who is just 24 years old and a graduate of Egerton University.

Here are some of the interesting facts about Rehema Kiteto.
- She was born 23 years ago in a Samburu village in 1997 in Kinango constituency, Kwale county
- After high school education at Mwasere High in Voi ,she joined Egerton University to study a degree in Sociology, Literature and English between 2015 and 2019.
- She would later go on to serve as an Intern student at Standard Group Nakuru Bureau
- Rehema retreated back to Kwale county, however as a social worker after the internship
- She worked as a social advocacy officer for women and girls under the umbrella of Samburu Hands of Compassion
- Besides, Rehema worked as a supervisor during the government COVID-19 youth project dubbed Kazi Mtaani.
- Rehema got the lucrative job after she made a point to apply for 450 vacancies that had been advertised by Public Service Commission for Assistant County Commissioners
- Rehema was a graduate of Egerton University and she had no any experience, but after a successful interview, she was deployed to Bomet Central to serve as Assistant County Commissioner
- Under her new role, she is expected to coordinate government projects , articulate government plans and solve disputes in her full capacity
- Rehema brags of her leadership skills where she managed to fundraise for 2020 KCPE students join high school. Besides she unsuccessfully vied for County Assembly for Samburu Ward in Kinango.
Official look

Just slaying

Leadership looks

Working with Pula


Leaders fashion

As Assistant County Commissioner

Naïve girl

On coast Beach

During graduation at Egerton