There are many milestones one could argue indicate adulthood: an 18th birthday, a college graduation, a job with proper health insurance, etc. Research states the brain is more developed in our late 20s than our early 30s, better equipping people to make significant decisions closer to 30 than to 20.

Meaning that by 30 years old you are indisputably a fully grown, emotionally mature adult. Though 18 is the legal age of an adult, there is so much to learn personally and professionally in your early and mid-20s; especially who you are and who you want to be. Achieving your goals and becoming a confident, responsible adult with good character is built on a foundation of principles, which morph into habits.
Here are 10 habits you should develop by the time you are 30:
Your Word Is Your Bond
If you say you’re going to call, call. If your answer is no, have the integrity to look people in the eye and tell them. Part of becoming an adult is realizing what your priorities are, and adopting habits that reflect them. It is not easier to be honest, or to take the more difficult (but right) route. But what you lose in temporary convenience you gain in long-term peace of mind, and knowing that despite the difficulty of the moment, you did the honorable thing in the long term. It is the foundation upon which respect is built; it is something no one can buy, or pretend to have. It can only be earned, and it is earned by following through, and doing or saying the difficult thing when it is necessary.
Responding in a timely manner says two things: one, you respect the person enough to respond promptly; two, you are organized. These are good things to project. Do not be the person that always has to be tracked down. There is (almost) no excuse for not responding in 24 hours to colleagues, friends and family. Technology has surpassed (most of) our excuses. RSVP for parties on time. Even if you only have time for a short message or call, let them know you received it. It is the courteous way to operate, and it also helps keep you organized. It is tedious to have to follow-up with people. Just respond—it only takes a moment.
The only thing that is worse than running late is when someone else keeps you waiting. There are certain things you need to be able to do by the time you’re 30, and one of them is to be on time without sprinting and sweating profusely. It is harder than it sounds, but people also lose their patience as they get older- no one likes waiting on people. By the time you’re 30 it’s not cute or funny, it is just obnoxious. Punctuality illustrates you have it together. It makes you a better professional and a better friend.
Money Management
Your finances (more or less) should be in order; you should be putting money away each month, have a 401K or retirement savings of some sort. You should have decent credit, pay your bills on time and a habit of living within your means. If you’re still developing your money management, is great tool, and LearnVest, a fellow Forbes contributor, provides excellent assistance for financial planning. You should have financial goals, and a strategy to achieve them. Finances are too important to neglect.
Develop A Daily Routine
There is a deluge of articles about what the most successful people do: when they wake up, when they go to bed, what they do on the weekend, what their daily schedules are, etc. People eat oatmeal, go biking, do yoga, etc. to emulate their role models, thinking oatmeal will make them a mogul. What all of these routines have in common is the routine—successful people have a daily routine. Finding what schedule is most productive for you will help you reach your goals. What gives you the most energy? What is sustainable? Be conscious of your peak times, and your slow times, and know how to get back on track. Successful people know their tendencies, and create schedules that play to their strengths.
Organization will help with all of the above (and below). It forces you to be a more intentional person, and people who live intentionally live a more productive, meaningful life. You need to evaluate what is most important to you, and prioritize accordingly. It is the only way you will strike any sort of work/life balance, and accomplish your goals at the end of every day, week, month, year, etc.
Volunteer Work / Charity Donations
When you are beginning your professional life, possibly still looking for a job, it is understandable if charitable donations and volunteering go by the wayside. But by the time you are 30, you will have been working for almost a decade, which gives you time to discover your values, and causes that are important to you. If you have no idea where to start, here is a list of the 50 largest charities in the country.
Medical Attention
Part of being an adult is taking care of yourself. You cannot take care of others (at least well) without taking care of yourself. You should have a primary doctor, any specialists you require and all of your medical records consolidated. Now is the time to start paying for regular doctors appointments, and to get your healthcare paperwork in order. It is easy to skate on health insurance and doctors appointments when you are young, but it is not something to gamble with for too long. Sorting this out when you are in urgent need of care is a steep price to pay for procrastination.
Know Your Strengths And Weakness (Personally And Professionally)
Half the battle of self-improvement is having the courage to do address your weaknesses. People do not like to honestly examine their life, because it usually leads to them not liking themselves. So they push it back into the emotional drawer they took it out of, and continue to live their life. Self-improvement is an ugly business, but if you are willing to suffer short-term discomfort for long-term success, there is nothing you will not accomplish. Honor your self-awareness; people who are not confident enough to confront their weaknesses head-on flounder. You deserve to have self-confidence and success, but you have to do the work.
Cleanse Yourself Of Toxic Friendships
Putting your trust in the wrong people is humbling; the best outcome is that experience helps refine your judgment, the worst outcome is you distrust most people. Life is short, and time is precious; don’t fill your free time with insincere friends who are not supportive, or even selfish. Take stock: Think about who you have outgrown, who you don’t talk to anymore, who makes no effort to see you and who is tedious to be around. Protect your time and energy.