In some instances, more than four men are pictured in the jacket. It all started when Cherengany MP Wesley Korir appeared in an interview on Citizen TV’s Sunday Live with the trademark jacket.
This observation has sparked a #KalenjinCheget trend celebrating this preference. But the Kalenjins have not taken this trend lying down as they defend the jacket’s durability and above all else, it’s colour. “Brown brown kama Kolt ya Rio,” they likened it to.
1. Everyone from the dad, uncles to babies wears it
2. And you know it has to be accompanied by the ultimate shoes and jeans
3. Dare we say more?
5. Kenyans on Twitter went craazy!
6. You know its crazy when only one person in a picture doesn’t have it
7. And now they want it patented as official Kalenjin wear