When we talk about SUVs and sleek machines which great speed, we all think of German machines such as BMWs, Mercedes, Bugatti and Ferraris.

But not many will remember Nissan model dubbed GTR.
Under GTR, there are several series that actually it is safe to say they are underrated and indeed they deserve more recognition.
In Kenya, these cars are not so common, but those available never disappoint and always turn heads
Ofcoure, anything with speed and high in quality comes with a great price tag, and these Nissan GTRs are no different .
A 5 year old second hand will go for about Ksh.10 million while a 10 year old will cost one Ksh. 7 million
A brand new Nissan GTR will go for about Ksh. 15 million after being taxed with import duty
The car will go to as much as 25 million depending on the customization and the series type
Here are few Nissan GTR cars available in Kenya
Silver KBM 222S

KCF 111C

KBW 007N

KBW 200E

KBY 786P

KCC 444T

KBZ 300Z