Everyday,people have their rights violated in one way or another. Most of the time, the victims do not have someone to help them push for justice, get moral, financial and emotional support through their troubles. There are however a number of organizations whose sole purpose is to give a voice to the voiceless and fight for an equitable society where human rights are respected no matter your social standing. Below is a list of institutions that seek to fight for the often neglected in the society.
1. Wangu Kanja Foundation
In 2002, Wangu Kanja was carjacked and raped by her one of the carjackers. When she reported the incidence to the police, they only recorded it as robbery and to today, her rapist has never been found.
Wangu uses her ordeal to help other victims and lobby for change in how sexual abuse is handled in Kenya. She founded the Wangu Kanja Foundation.
The foundation has set up a helpline where women can report rape, then they are connected to healthcare workers and paralegals to handle the procedures required to bring the perpetrators to justice.
Their foundation’s website is www.wangukanjafoundation.org
2. Gender Violence Recovery Centre (GVRC- Kenya)
GVRC-K is a nonprofit charitable trust of the Nairobi Women’s Hospital. It seeks to bring back meaning and hope to abuse survivor’s lives and their families. They provide free medical care and psychological support to victims of gender based violence.
Website: www.gvrc.or.ke
3. Centre for Rehabilitation and Education of Abused Women (CREAW)
CREAW’s mission is to champion, expand and actualize women’s rights. It was founded in 1998 by women lawyers who shared a common purpose to tackle the often ignored subject of women empowerment. The organization is open to membership for both men and women who share in the same vision and are driven by positive values for women development and empowerment. You can find more on their website, www.creawkenya.org
4. SOS Children’s Villages
Kenya was one of the first African countries to open its doors to SOS Children’s Villages. Launched in 1971, the organization seeks to deal with the every increasing numbrr of orphaned and neglected children and runs family strengthening programmes which enable children at risk of losing family care to grow up in a family environment.
Website: sos-childrensvillagekenya.org
5. National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse (NAASCA)
NAASCA addresses issues related to childhood abuse and trauma including sexual assault,emotional trauma and neglect. They have a national toll free hotline (1195) through which they provide support for rape,defilement, physical abuse and Female Genital Mutilation survivors.
6. Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA)
The organization, whose membership is only open to women lawyers and law students, offers direct legal aid to women in bid to create a society that is free from all forms of discrimination against women in Kenya. More can be found on their website www.fidakenya.org
7. Kenya Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA)
Since prostitution is illegal in Kenya,sex workers are often subjected to gross abuse with few people willing to fight for their cause. There are few or no laws with regards to the plights of sex workers in Kenya.
They are often exposed to violence and barriers in accessing services, resources and justice.
KESWA seeks to bring an end to human rights violations against sex workers and to build an environment where they can enjoy their rights just like other people in the society.
Website: www.keswakenya.org
8. National Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS- Kenya (NEPHAK)
Though the situation is fast improving, people living with HIV/AIDS and TB are still often subjected to stigmatisation. NEPHAK gives an opportunity to people affected by HIV/AIDS and TB to come together and share their experiences through post test clubs and support groups.
Website: www.nephak.or.me
9. National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD)
NCPWD is a state corporation set up in 2004 to mainstream disability issues in all aspects of sociocultural, economic and political development.
People with Disabilities (PWD) have often been marginalised in the society. Numerous cases have been reported of albinos being hunted for sale of their body parts. Last year,a Tanzanian citizen was arrested in Eldoret for employing PWD to beg in the streets while he provided them with accommodation in return.
10. Childline Kenya
Childline Kenya provides a 24-hour helpline for any Kenyan child to report abuse and receive counselling. The organization, through childline 116 , rescues children from their abusers, provides them with post trauma counselling and if need be, provides medical care, education and legal support.