Peter Mbugua became a household name in Nairobi since Sunday on 21st, April 2019 during the Easter holiday celebrations.

But this was not the first time Peter Mbugua had been the talk of the town.
So who is this Peter Mbugua, who was even trending on Twitter for a better part of Tuesday 23rd April.

Here are some of the interesting facts about Peter Mbugua

- He first came into news 15 years ago when he tied a knot with Wambui Otieno In 2003, then he was only 25 years old while the bride was 67 years senior than him.
- In 2019, now 40 years old, Mbugua married for second time, Anne Wangari aged 35 years old at Bishop Harrison Ng’ang’a of the Christian Foundation Fellowship Bunyala Road Church in Nairobi.
- Wambui a stone faced feminist campaigner died in 2011 just 9 years into the marriage with the stone mason Mbugua.
- Late Wambui had also spent better part of her late 1980s fighting with her in-laws over the property of her late husband lawyer Silvano Melea (SM) Otieno
- On 21, April 2019, Mbugua and Anne were among the 50 couples who solemnized their marriages at the Nairobi based church attended by thousands of faithful believers
- Mbugua is now already blessed with three kids together with Anne
- Second wife Anne describes him as a real man of her best choice
- During his first ever wedding with late Wambui, they had a civil wedding at Sheria House in Nairobi and later solemnised their union at St Andrew’s PCEA in July 2003
- Ofcourse their engagement sparked alot of controversy and critics with many Kenyans claiming Mbugua was after inheriting her wealth, something Mbugua strongly rebuked
- Following the demise of late SM Otieno on December 20, 1986 in Nairobi, a hot dispute between Wambui and his younger brother emerged, Joash Ochieng’ Ougo, and clan member and distant nephew, Omolo Siranga, over who had the legal right to bury Otieno’s body and where he would be interred. The court later ruled that the late should be buried in Nyalgunga instead of Ngong area where late Wambui had wished