Among those who drown in the deep seas, are not only bad swimmers but also the best and most experienced swimmers.

Kenya’s beauty and fashion queen Betty Kyallo, is not only a model of excellent looks but also owns a beauty parlor shop.
Betty Kyallo’s social media posts, are a true inspiration of how fashion application should be done.
But sometimes she gets her homework wrong and thus gives fashion an opportunity to dribble past her witt
Here are such moments when she had a long day with fashion
Looking like a broiler
Let’s be sincere that Betty looks awesome in tiny dresses but not in full bikinis.
And these photo no doubt this photo proves all .

You can do better with pedicure
A close look does not show anything wrong with the photo, but just look at her nails, poorly done or the photographer is lazy


Floating dress
Close your eyes and imagine the dress was not as short as it is now, she would have looked horribly awkward, but thanks to the short dress she is able to hide this fashion blunder

Pedicure fails again
After moving away from KTN, Betty mysteriously vanished from Twitter making her fans and friend-enemies sense her influence.
Then later she made good her habit and came back on Twitter, and after uploading and posting new stuffs often as it was usual for her habit.
However, it is undeniable that there was something wrong with one of her toes

Betty Kyallo’s horrifying makeup
She is famed for natural beauty and chocolate skin tone, but she went over board when she decided to try another skin tone, and when the selfie came, she totally looked like a clown.

Even though a caterpillar becomes a cute and adorable butterfly, this one brought down Betty from a butterfly to a caterpillar .

Sharing same dress with sister Mercy
Seems like after negative energy on social media, she donated this dress to her younger sister

Copy paste from Huddah
And wow, she actually thought she would rock like socialite Huddah Monroe, before she failed terribly

Who owns the car
So who really owns the car, when trying to flirt on social media with expensive things, you need to put things in good order