This applies mostly to some of us that have been single way too long you meet a boy, he’s great, he’s normal, he doesn’t keep talking about his mom, his smells great so you start planning a mind wedding plus other stuff like these below :
1. You tell everybody who will listen about him.
2. You doubt the guy constantly, its always “what if, what if”
3. You psych yourself out, so you dont get too invested and end up hurt
4. You already have the perfect guy in your head, so this new one must match that or no deal
5. You stalk every account he has ever had, every girl he has ever dated in search of something bad.
6. You clear all your options as soon as this one guy seems a little promising
7. If he’s nice you tell yourself he is too good to be true, and that he is hiding something
8. You always try to find a deal breaker, even if one did not exist before.