This is what happens to your body if you eat 2 bananas everyday for a month
- Bananas consist of only beneficial amino-acids which are not allergic in most cases.
- As bananas are highly rich in iron they are very beneficial in treatment of anaemia.
- Bananas contain sugar such as sucrose, fructose and glucose which will provide you with instant energy.
- Bananas are given both as a diarrhoea and constipation remedy since they normalize bowel function
- Mashed ripe bananas can efficiently treat dysentery when given to children.
- Banana honey milkshake is a great hangover cure it soothes your stomach and rehydrates your body.
- Bananas contains nutrients such as potassium and magnesium which help remove the nicotine from your body.
- An amino acid called tryptophan present in bananas help in the serotonin production.
- The potassium in bananas improves the development of the brain function as well as alertness
- As bananas are rich in carbohydrates and low in protein they are useful in treating kidney disorders.
- Bananas combined with skim milk make a great weight loss remedy.
- The potassium in bananas balances the fluids and electrolytes in the body thus reduces the risk of heart attack.
- Vitamin b6 in bananas is useful in the haemoglobin and antibody development in the blood .
- The potassium in bananas reduces the risk of osteoporosis by improving the calcium absorption.