As our world continues grow big in population, so does our language grow to accommodate the ever growing population.
But when the language keeps on growing, there is a challenge of mastering longer words.

But with this trick of shortening words, it becomes easy to chat and interact with your friends and colleagues while on chats.
Below is a list of 20 chat abbreviations you should know in 2018
Please note that ABBREVIATIONS are always written in UPPERCASE
1.ASAP- As soon as possible- Used when you need a reply anytime from that moment as long as it is ready
2.TYAL- Thank you a lot – used when offering gratitude
3.OTW- On the way- Say you on the road on the way to a venue
4.ASL-Age , Sex, Location- Used in chat rooms to obtain a friends details
5.W8- Wait, meant to make one stay online
6.OMG- Ohh… My God exclamation words
7.ZZzzz… – Sleeping or dull mode- Used to show chat that you are sleepy or not interested in chatting
8.WS- Wrongly Sent- Meant to apologize for sending messages to he wrong person
9.MYOB- Mind Your Own Business- self explained
10.TTYL- Talk to you later
11.HAND- Have a nice day
12.K- Okay
13.SAR- Sent As Received
14.HBD- Happy Birthday
15.DoB- Date of Birth
16.FWIW- For What It’s Worth
17.Plz- Please
18.J4F- Just for fun
19.WTH- What the hell
20BF- Best Friend, Boyfriend
21.LOL – Laughing Out Loud
22.BTW- By the way
23.IMHO- In my humble opinion