In times of crisis, a good alternative to not be without a job may be in freelance jobs.
However, without any experience in this modality, things can be more complicated.
Fortunately, there are some basic rules that can help you get a job as a freelancer even without experience in the field. Find out what the rules are:
1. Choose your area
There are more and more companies turning to outsourcing services, which increases the offer with regard to temporary employment opportunities, whether part-time or full-time, or even sporadic jobs for freelancers. You just have to be aware of the opportunities and look for the ones that best suit your skills.
2. Create a brand
If you want to be successful in the world of work as a freelancer, you have to create a strong brand, capable of differentiating yourself from the competition. That brand will be your identity and it must clearly communicate your sales proposal. Create your own website, a blog, accounts on the most important social networks and work all this with unity, so that your potential customers see what makes you stand out.
3. Build a portfolio and gather testimonials
The world of freelancers is not as bureaucratic as the corporate world, so your potential clients will not be as concerned with your qualifications, but with what you are able to show in practice. The best way to do that is to give them an example of what you can do, through portfolios that bring together your best work. Another resource you can use is to get testimonials from customers satisfied with your previous work.
4. Make contacts
Once you have a good portfolio and good testimonials about your work, you can start making contacts with potential customers. Start by finding your potential employers and Google is an excellent tool for doing so. Search for events in the area and ask for directions from friends in the same industry.