Even though science is beginning to get cancer breakthrough treatments, curing it is never the best option as compared to preventing it.
Below are 5 awesome herbs that can lower greatly the risk of cancer
- Thyme-according to studies thyme essential oil can fight breast cancer cells, lung and prostate carcinoma.
- Carvacrol-a prominent compound in thyme, is responsible for its anticancer properties.
- Rosemary -research indicates that it contains compounds like carnosic acid and rosmarinic acid which can fight chronic myeloid leukaemia ,breast adenocarcinoma, and prostate adenocarcinoma.
- Sage- has been found to induce cell death and reduce growth in melanoma cells, colon carcinoma cells and hepatoma cells the usolic acid present in sage is known to word off cancer cells.
- Parsley-myristicin ,a compound present in parsley can fight the formation of lung and stomach tumors.It also have the ability to activate a detoxifying enzyme known as GST.
- Ashwagandha- active components in ashwagandha like withafering ,withnolide withanoside and withanone have the ability to fight different kinds of cancer.