If there is an activity you like doing whenever you are free, think, it could one of those hobbies that can earn you money. You don’t have to limit the hobby to enjoyment knowing that you can turn it into some money-making endeavor.

And definitely, you don’t have to let your pockets run dry when you can make extra money from any of the following hobbies.
Simply put, if you enjoy writing, there is much more you can benefit from your hobby. All you need to do is start a blog. Here, you will write about topics that interest you, those you also feel are bound to interest a big readership.
A blog, according to the Cambridge Dictionary, refers to a regular record of your thoughts, opinions, or experiences that you put on the internet for other people to read. People blog on different topics including fashion, politics, and many others. Where does your interest lie?
All you need to do is a get a free blog domain at blog services such as WordPress or Blogger. Choose a template design to start and begin composing stories as you would on your free time. Blogging however requires a lot of patience if you want to earn money from it. First of all, come up with enough content. With time, and depending on your determination, you can attract money from advertisers.
2. Social media
Many Kenyans these days spend many hours in a day on social media. In fact, according to statistics released by head of Facebook for Africa Nunu Ntshingila, early this year, Kenyans spend an average of 6 hours and 37 minutes in a day on Facebook alone. Other social media platforms including twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and others are unaccounted for in these findings.
There are people who are so internet savvy that they have quick ways to gain followers on all the major social networking sites (Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest, Google+and others). If you are this person, one good way to earn from your socializing hobby is to approach big wigs to run their accounts for them.
These are people who are in most cases too busy to keep their accounts active. You can find your way in reaching them and requesting that you manage their twitter, Facebook, and their other accounts for them by updating their statuses and gaining followers for them.
3. Photography
There are people addicted to taking photos of themselves and their friends. Others have a passion for taking photos of beautiful features just to marvel at them or have their friends admire them. Well, you can take this a step further and actually use your photography hobby to earn yourself a little money.
You can be a freelance photojournalist and sell well captured photos to media houses to accompany stories. It all starts with knocking on a media house and offering to sell them your photos.
You can also create YouTube videos of still photographs if you have an account with the media platform. If you have no account yet, register. It is an easy, few- minutes process to get you going.
4. Music
Do you like singing and dancing but can’t make it to conventional publicity? Create you tube videos and make money from them. Actually, many talented people are doing so.
All you need is a good video camera to capture your moves. And if you have a YouTube account, this is where you can place them and share on your other social media platforms to attract a lot of viewership. In this way, your videos can attract advertisers so that you make make money from the adverts, just as in the case with blogging.
5. Drawing
If you have a passion for drawing, you don’t have to end it at hanging captivating materials on your wall and leaving them there to wear off. It is high time you really rocked your brain on how you can turn the hobby to earn you money.
People are now approaching companies to create logos for them at a fee. If you can demonstrate that your art work is unbeatable, you have no reason to remain poor yet you like drawing whenever you are free. And today, there is a large variety of digital and analog drawing mediums including online tutorials to even up your work.
If you have been under-utilizing your hobby, you know what to do now to boost your earnings.