Marriage is the most cherished life activity that everyone wishes to take part in. But no one ever thinks the other side of the coin when the marriage back fires.
The following are some of the things that are lost when a youthful marriage comes tumbling down
- Intimacy is the thing that gets hanged here, all the love, emotions, companionship and goals shared all go tumbling down. Love and sex also gets lost including couples sense of history
- Loss of future visons and plans that has been put underway by the couple become inexistence.
- Jointly held families and friends all are not also spared. They are deleted from the memories because they try to remind of bad memories encountered.
- Money is one of the contagious issue that is always lost. Investments and other family wealth are neither shared or scuffled by one of the couple
- Social status is also affected for the leaders or any other respected social members. People sometimes view you as a life failure
- Your ego could prove you wrong especially if one of your partner decided to end the marriage.
- Confidence also is also affected by break up and the partners could end up leading an inferior lifestyle.