Does your hair not grow an inch no matter how hard you try? Chances are you’re not taking proper care of him. You should not only clean and care for it with natural and quality products, it is also important to take care of your diet and stay hydrated.
Here is how to keep your hair strong and healthy .
1. Drink liquid
Drink water, your hair will be more hydrated and will look healthier. Water is a natural ingredient that helps the efficient and healthy growth of hair. It represents almost a quarter of the weight of a lock of hair, so it is important that you drink two liters of water a day to achieve a shiny and healthy mane.
2. Protein
Provide construction material to make your hair grow faster and stronger. The egg protein mask is ideal for your hair. You need to apply one or two yolks, depending on the length of your hair, with two tablespoons of olive oil; Let the mixture work for 15 minutes and remove it with warm water. If you have oily hair, use only the whites.
3. Pluck it
Cutting dry ends will keep your hair from breaking as much and when it grows, it will look longer. According to several experts, plucking it will not make your hair grow faster, as this has nothing to do with the scalp. The blunt serves to keep it healthy as it grows.
4. Hair massage
In addition to being a relaxation technique, it is also an ideal way to stimulate the growth of your hair, as it mobilizes the skin of the scalp and promotes better and more fluid blood circulation. Lie on your stomach and massage your scalp, this will also help your circulation.
5. Shampoo
There are several options of natural shampoos that will help you strengthen your hair so that it grows faster. Experts advise those made with chili, onion or creolin. Remember to massage your scalp well when applying your shampoo.
6. Conditioner
Do not apply conditioner to the roots, as it will only grease your hair, it will cause it to fall and it will take longer to grow. The conditioner always leaves a kind of residue on your hair, so you should choose the most suitable and least harmful for your hair.
7. Cold rinse
Rinse your hair with cold water, this will help prevent it from breaking. Cold water seals the hair cuticle and fixes nutrients, ensuring good hair health. Hot water, by contrast, opens the cuticles, allowing enzymes beneficial for hair health to escape; In addition, it can significantly weaken the hair and cause it to fall out.
8. Brush it
With a wide-tooth comb, brush your hair from bottom to top. Do not heed the saying “brushing hair 100 times a day promotes growth”, because brushing excessively can cut the root. Comb it when dry, never wet.
9. Microfiber towel
Avoid rubbing the towel with your hair. We recommend using a microfiber towel or a T-shirt to avoid damaging your hair when you dry it.
10. Treatments
Use hair growth stimulating products. Use shampoos, ampules or masks to take care of it and prevent it from breaking. The Alfaparf brand recommends those whose ingredients are activated by contact with heat, creating an active thermal shield to protect the hair fiber of your hair.