Lion Deh, known for his vibrant presence on Radio Jambo’s popular evening drive show, Mbusi na Lion Teke Teke, is in mourning following the heartbreaking loss of his child. The news was shared with the public by his colleague, Massawe Japanni, who expressed her heartfelt condolences during her show. The news has left fans and the entire Radio Jambo family in disbelief as they rally behind their beloved host during this incredibly difficult time.
Massawe Japanni’s Emotional Tribute
Massawe Japanni, who was deeply moved by the tragedy, took to the airwaves to express her sympathy and support for Lion Deh and his family. Her words were filled with empathy and love, as she said:
“Hakuna kitu kigumu kama kumpoteza mtoto wako. Kwako pamoja na mke wako na familia yako nasema pole sana, Mungu akuongoze kipindi hiki kigumu.”
Translation: “There is nothing as difficult as losing your child. To you, your wife, and your family, I send my deepest condolences. May God guide you through this tough time.”
Massawe also shared how unimaginable it is to lose a child, a sentiment that resonated with many listeners who empathized with the pain Lion and his family were going through.
The Outpouring of Support from Fans
As the news spread, Lion’s fans flooded social media with messages of support, comfort, and condolences. Many shared their thoughts and prayers, sending strength to the grieving family. Here are some of the messages that fans shared:
- Juma Fred: “Pole sana.”
- Patoh: “The most affected with the death was Mbusi. He even cried on the show… so painful.”
- Greg Junior: “Condolences to Lion and the family.”
- Harry: “Walahi I cried when Mbusi just said it, I knew Lion was on sabbatical, then he came back to reveal he had lost a child. I am their biggest fan… pole sana Lion, may God come through.”
- Robert Wangui: “Lion Deh, pole sana rasta, all will be well.”
- Modern Realist: “Pole sana Lion Deh. All will be well, Rastaman.”
- Elias Kangogo: “Pole sana Lion’s family.”
- Attention: “My condolences to the family. Usikonde Rasta, mambo itakuwa sawa.”
The emotional tributes reflected the strong bond that Lion shares with his fans and the Radio Jambo community. Many expressed their admiration for his strength and resilience in such a difficult moment.
Lion Deh’s Silence Amid the Tragedy
Although Lion has yet to publicly address the loss, his colleagues, including Massawe, continue to honor him on air. Fans have respected his privacy, sending their messages of support and keeping him in their prayers during this period of mourning.
The Radio Jambo Family
As fans and colleagues mourn alongside Lion Deh, many have shared memories of his lively personality on air. He is known for his engaging interactions with listeners on Mbusi na Lion Teke Teke, which has become one of the most beloved shows on Radio Jambo. His genuine care for his fans has built a loyal following, and the outpouring of love following his personal loss is a testament to the deep connection he has with his audience.
Lion Deh’s Personal Life and the Loss
In another heartfelt story, Githinji Mwangi, known as Mbusi, shared how he first met his wife during their school days. He described how their relationship blossomed over time, and it was during this personal moment that fans were reminded of the importance of love and family.
During this difficult time, fans and the wider community continue to send their condolences and support to Lion Deh and his family. While the loss of a child is an unimaginable pain, Lion is not alone in his grief. The Radio Jambo family, along with countless listeners, stand with him as he navigates this challenging chapter. The strength and love from his fans remind him that healing, though difficult, will come with time and support.
As fans continue to share their sympathy and prayers, we all stand united with Lion Deh and his family, wishing them strength and peace.