When it comes to raising children, as a parent, you always look for reliable advice, so that your children learn to be empathetic, understanding, educated and ethical.

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In order to do the job of educating a child a little easier, because we know it is hard work, we collect for you these tips from Harvard researchers so that your child grows up and is a good child.
Spend time with your children and have meaningful talks with them
By spending time with children, they will learn to care and love with your example: show affection, genuinely care about their lives, encourage their efforts and praise their achievements, ask open questions to encourage meaningful conversation, endlessly support them.
A positive and respectful relationship between you and your children will show them how good they are, so they can emulate that with others.
Be a solid role model
Children will respect what you ask them when they see you doing the same, so pay close attention to the way you practice the values you are instilling in your children, they will start from the way you act.
Tell them when you make a mistake, but also how will you solve it, participate in community service as a family, let them know that it is important to communicate with the people you trust when they need advice or assistance.
Send clear messages and give priority to being friendly
Being empathetic with others is often encouraged as a top priority, so it is taught that way by keeping your children under high ethical expectations, not only at home but at school and in the community.
Ask your teachers if they are empathetic at school, tell your children that it is important to be kind to others, and encourage them to solve problems by thinking about the people who will be affected by their actions.
Give them the opportunity to be empathic through responsibilities
When children are expected to do housework at home, it is more likely that helping others becomes a natural opportunity for them to worry about their daily routine.
Start conversations with them about the things that are happening in the community and around the world to broaden their understanding of empathic acts at a higher level.
Also, express gratitude and appreciation to them, and motivate them to give thanks to others as part of their daily practice.
Help them identify their feelings and resolve conflicts with self-control
Encourage your children to identify their feelings and then give them the tools to deal with them with control, for example, deep breaths, counting until they are calm.
Help them to solve conflicts by also understanding the feelings that others are experiencing