We have all faced difficult moments in life, situations that take us out of our comfort zone and cause us to feel that sense of anguish known as stress.
Although stress is annoying and you can have implications for your health, you also have to recognize that it is part of life and, in a certain way, it helps you move forward because it lights up the signals that activate you to keep walking towards the goal you want to achieve.
Being in school and combining with everything else, can be overwhelming. Therefore, today we give you advice so that you live fully and in a balanced way.
1.Organize yourself and plan:
Going one step further will help you avoid having everything accumulate for a last moment.
You will need a calendar or a weekly organizer so that you can see everything you have to do and in this way go ahead with the tasks and dedicate the appropriate time for each one.
2.You only assumed what is yours:
Do not let them charge you with responsibilities that do not correspond to you. Be responsible for what is your turn and let others do their thing; so you can focus on fewer tasks and perform them more.
Learn to delegate:
Overloading work to make sure everything is fine is not a good idea when you have more responsibilities.
Delegating and trusting others will take away a burden and strengthen teamwork. Let yourself be surprised by the abilities of your classmates and I learned from them; This will enrich the environment in which you develop.
4.Convert your disadvantages into advantages:
On the way there will always be adversities, situations contrary to your purposes, but the important thing is to find in them their positive aspect. So, in the face of adversity, think positive and yes, it’s not wrong to make lemonade!
5.Perform relaxation exercises:
There are various relaxation techniques that will help you reduce stress levels and in the best case to avoid them; So look for the one you like and make it part of your daily routine. How about starting the day with yoga?
Life is an adventure that is lived personally, do not look out the window. In our country there are beautiful places to go hiking or camping. I left the routine changing the landscape at least eleven a month.
Live in the present:
Many worries and feelings of sadness or depression occur only in our mind, we usually spend a lot of time solving problems that have not happened and we do not know if they are going to happen or
Start to say no:
Accept everything you propose, assume all responsibilities, have many tasks under your charge and multiple commitments will cause you not have space for you.
So do not exceed your time limits, I learned to assertively reject what you consider is not so important, so you can dedicate that time to perform the tasks that you had planned for the coffee of the week with your friends. Remember: less is more.
9.Set goals:
It’s time for you to do what you’ve always wanted and for which you’ve never had time.
Reserves to space in your week to achieve a personal goal, not an obligation, such learning to dance, swim or read that book that you have postponed for months. Setting goals and fulfilling them will make you feel like never before!