Eunita Kokkeyo, a mother to the most disputed richest musician in Kenya, Akothee is vying for a political seat at their home in Nyanza, and Akothee has thrown her big weight behind her for a support.
“From the days I have known you , you have always work tirelessly for the community, you have given hope to the hopeless, you have brought change & light to our community, girl child Education made sense as soon as you preached the importance of a woman being independent,” Akothee praised her mother.
She proceeded,
“I have always followed your steps , you are a leader min jii , God see you through this campaign , you are the strongest WOMAN I ever new the most humanitarian, your kitchen is 24/7 open & your doors never closed , every morning your house is full of people who see you as their role model , never give up (NYARKADERO) for giving is Devine. TIBIM MAMA NYALE, MAMA TENA