6 Signs Of Social Media Addiction
How much time do you spend on twitter or Facebook? The addiction to networks social may go unnoticed by those who enjoy using these tools. The WHO indicates that one…
9 Excel Tricks That Every Student Should Know
Although the application's great capacity can be intimidating, there is no doubt that knowing how to use Excel offers any student an advantage in their studies or future workplace. 1-…
15 Uses Of Vaseline You Didn’t Know
The petroleum jelly is a substance derived from petroleum which is suitable for application to the skin (correctly), it is of dermatologic use, did you know that? That is why…
Undergarments That Cause Vaginal Odor
In hot season, one of the things that matters most to women is to stay fresh and free of unpleasant aromas, especially in the intimate area; However, there are clothes…
6 Deadly Diseases That Are Transmitted By Kissing
Kissing brings many benefits for our health, but it can also be a way for the transmission of viruses and bacteria that cause diseases. Bacteria and viruses that are present…
5 Diseases Caused By Holding Back Your Urine
Going to the bathroom is a physiological necessity , as is drinking water; Obviously, if our body asks us to go to the bathroom, it is because there is a need to dispose…
4 Tricks To Avoid Reflections On The Monitor
Using a computer outdoors can be a real challenge and an exercise in frustration. Reflections on the screen, low contrast, lifeless colors and diffuse shapes can make vision very difficult.…
5 Signs Testicles Give When Things Are Wrong
One of the most sensitive areas of men are the testicles and for this reason should pay attention to any type of pain or discomfort that is present in the…
10 Healthy Benefits Of Guava Leaves
Guava is revered because it is full of vitamins A and C, potassium, lycopene, and dietary fiber. But did you know that guava leaves also have many benefits? These are…
7 Rules For A Happy Life
If you are dreaming about a happy life, the first things to cross is the idea that happy life depends on a career, money and fame or even power. A…
6 Tips To Gain Healthy Weight
If you are under your weight, the first thing you need to do to gain it in a healthy way is to eat more calories than your body needs. But…
5 Areas Where You Must Set Limits With Children
If you want your child to be happy, set limits for him/her. It has been shown that for a child to be happy and emotionally stable, they need to know…
8 Tips To Take Care Of Your Heart
Introducing small changes in our lifestyle help maintain a healthy heart, recent studies say. Here are best ways to take care of your important heart. Sleep well Correct night rest…
10 Facts Women Should Know About Penis
Women may not know so much about men's penis, and that is very much justified. Here are some facts they should know about men's penis.