When we are in a relationship we try to show all the affection that is necessary, more than anything with kisses, because this expresses our love for the other person.
But what happens when kisses are missing?
A study reveals that a kiss can help us release hormones that activate your senses and generate happiness.
Specialists in couples relations, say that people who kiss in the morning perform better in their day-to-day activities. They also have a better state of mind to overcome any displeasure.
Helps prevent disease
The more we kiss we help to avoid feeling cold and sad, which can lead to depression.
Although it has been shown that the virus spreads mainly from person to person through the respiratory droplets of an infected person when they cough, sneeze, or speak very closely. These droplets can fall into the mouth or nose of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.
Kissing is a very common practice during intercourse, and the virus will be transmitted through saliva. Kissing someone is, logically
On the other hand, the doctor says that not having physical contact does not mean that we cannot demonstrate that we love the other person. We can fill it with affection with beautiful words and acts that surprise her.
It is a good time to strengthen relationships in these uncertain times.