DP William Ruto’s video talking to the mother of Ms Maureen Kinyua, a Jubilee campaigner who was killed by a mpotorists, has been doing rounds on social media.

The video shows a humble DP Ruto calling the mother from his officer, introducing self and passing his condolence message.
“Hello Nancy, Habari? Mimi naitwa William Ruto na nimepiga kusema pole. Nilijulishwa kuhusiana na ajali hiyo iliyotendeka huko juzi na nimepiga kukuambia kuwa tulifanya kazi nayeye natunakushukuru sana (Hello Nancy, How are you? My name is William Ruto; I’m calling to pass my condolences over the death of your daughter Maureen. I was told about the accident so I’m calling to inform you that she was one of us at Jubilee),” the DP said.
DP Ruto also narrated how Ms Kinyua who sadly died on May 24, understood Jubilee manifesto and the Big Four agenda.
He also said that Ms Kinyua was a key element in Jubilee’s win during the 2017 election .
Ms Kinyua was knocked down by a motorist in Nyeri county before she died.