Can you Write a Story, Draw or Paint?
The National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and Drug Abuse (NACADA) is inviting pupils in primary and secondary schools from Grade three to Form Four a chance to win cash prize vouchers. The competition is open to pupils from all counties and from both private and public schools.
Make or enter your essay or artwork to reflect your experience during the COVID-19 pandemic. We encourage you to focus on your emotions, learning experiences, relationships with family and friends, or any experiences with alcohol and drug use during this period.
The size of the artworks can be either size A4 or A3 and must be drawn or painted by hand. You can use a pencil, crayons, paint or a combination of the above.
You can write by hand or type your story on a computer. The essay should be between 300 and 500 words.
Judging will be based on the following criteria
- Originality- all submissions should be original work that has not been published online, in newspapers or magazines
- Correct grammatical structure
- Neatness
- Creativity
- Interpretation of the theme
All entries must have the following information
- Student’s full name
- School, location and class
- County
- Must also be accompanied by the parent/guardian’s name, signature and phone number
Winners And Prizes
There will be 3 winners selected from Lower Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary School category with awards for each as follows:
Category winners – KES 10,000 KES 5,000 shopping voucher for books and art supplies
1st Runner’s up – KES 7,500 KES 3,000 shopping voucher for books and art supplies
2nd Runner’s up – KES 5,000 KES 2,000 shopping voucher for books and art supplies
Winners will be contacted directly by NACADA and announced in the press on 26th June 2020 as part of the annual commemoration of the International Day Against Drugs and Illicit Trafficking (IDADA).
Submissions Should Be Made Via Email To Contest@Nacada.Go.Ke Mailed To P.O. Box 10774-00100 NAIROBI To Reach Us By The Deadline Of 5th June 2020.
All submissions received by NACADA will not be returned and will become the property of NACADA. They may be used in publications on the Internet for publicity and promotional purposes.
NB: All NACADA Employees And Their Relatives Are Not Eligible To Enter This Competition.