there are a lot of reasons why fresh graduates in Kenya cannot find jobs according to Human Resource Experts.
If you are a fresh graduate in Kenya, you need to read this so as to find out why you can’t find a job despite your qualifications.

1. Fresh Graduates In Kenya Are Choosy
Fridah Abuya, a HR Consultant at Virtual HR says that most graduates are motivated by money when looking for a job hence Kenyan employers will not hire them. Also, money motivates them to the point of wanting to change jobs more often in search of “greener pastures.”
“If you are a graduate and want to be employed you need to change your attitude and not be in it for the money,” she says.
Also, if you have been applying for numerous jobs but no response, ask yourself if your standards are too high. If that is the case, lower your expectations on the type of organisation you expect to be hired into.
It is normal to fantasize working in fancy offices, whirling around chairs and receive huge salaries like your fellow college mate but the reality is that life does not turn out to be the way you want it to be.
“As a learner, don’t dismiss casual or odd jobs because this will give you a chance to gain work experience,” she warns. Besides, a lot of successful people like KCB CEO Joshua Oigara started in very humble organisations.
2. Fresh Graduates In Kenya Lack Internship/Work Experience
As much as it sounds unfair, Kenyan employers are not ready to hire an individual who lacks work experience. Most companies when hiring look for experience even if it is an internship position, which most graduates lack.
At least one year experience is important for every graduate even if you are being hired for a management trainee position because nowadays people get hired based on their experience.
Are you a fresh graduate with limited work experience? It’s high time you reach out to organisations that have projects and require volunteers to achieve their objectives. Start small with organizations near your vicinity and this initiative no matter how small can help to build up your CV as well as allow your skills learnt in school to be implemented.
3. They Fail To Express Their Skills And Education In Their CV
According to Peris Mwangi, a Human Resource Business Partner at Uchumi Supermarket, points out that one area many job seekers struggle with is their exposure to activities while seeking their education and expressing this on their CVs.
“Some go to college and keep away from any extra curriculum activity. This is on the basis that once they are done with college they will seek gainful employment at that time, missing out an opportunity to build some experience. Others on the other hand expose themselves to extra curriculum activities but are unable to translate this into their CVs.” she says.
According to Ms Mwangi, leadership, communication skills and some competencies could actually be demonstrated by citing those activities, setting fresh graduates above the rest and improving their marketability.
Are you a fresh graduate in Kenya with no experience? Consider working on these mistakes so that you don’t fall in the category of graduates who are having a hard time finding a job.