Chiefs and Assistant chiefs in Kenya serve as the lowest level of national government administrations in the country.

This is also an easy way through which the national government admin can interact with grassroots at ease.
Chiefs are also closely assisted by village elders who act as their informants.
To make the ease of their movements, goverment has provided each unit with a motorbike
Roles of chiefs and assistants
- Preventing crime,
- Arbitrating in disputes in their jurisdiction,
- Sensitizing residents about government programmes among other duties.
Requirements for the post
Here are key qualification if you wish to join the administration
For appointment to this grade, candidates MUST:-
1. Be in possession of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C or its approved equivalent with C in English or Kiswahili.
2. Be thirty five (35) years old and above
3. Have worked in the Public Service for a minimum period of five (5) years.
4. Be in possession of a certificate in Public Administration/Management, Social Work/Community Development, Teaching, Disaster Management or its equivalent from recognized University
5. Be a resident of the particular Sub-Location
6. Be a person of integrity who commands respect and,
7. Possess good communication skills
Reforms in the administration
To improve the profession, the government rolled out guidelines through which some of the lucky chiefs and their assistants can rise through the following ranks
- Assistant county commissioners (previously known as District Officers or DOs),
- Deputy county commissioners,
- County commissioners
- Regional coordinators (previously known as provincial commissioners or PCs)
Before 2005, chiefs earned a basic salary of Sh.15,000 excluding housing and other benefits
Later, a report indicated that the amount was raised to about Sh.33,385
Salaries of chiefs and assistants today shifted to Ksh.40,000 and Ksh.20,000 respectively
Kenya boosts of a total of 6,000 chief admin personnel