It has always been said that penis size does not matter that much. But that might not be exactly true. At least, that is what is deduced from the results of a study conducted at the University of Salt Lake City, according to which, the length of the male organ could be related to fertility and ease of conception.
It is usually considered that there is a problem of infertility, when you cannot conceive after a year trying. And in the study analyzed the data of 815 men of different ages, not that those whose penis in erection measured an average of 12.5 centimeters or more, had more than 12.4 or more.
The study indicates that there seems to be a statistical relationship between a larger penis in the state of erection, and the ease of conceiving. But, according to the researchers, more studies are needed to establish a cause-effect relationship.
In any case, it is not the first time that a study points in this direction. Previous research already revealed that some men with smaller pensions produced less testosterone, and that influenced their ability to conceive.