Recent social media emotional outburst from Pastor James Ng’angá left many speculating over the cause of of his warning to Neno Ministries bishops.

But one thing remained for sure that the future of his church and growth was not certain.
Among the key issues that are facing his church, is finance management, infidelity, rebellion and control of church leadership
But the biggest issue of all, was cheating to his wife Muiruri Ngángá, who Pastor James also confirmed that it was not all good in marriage according to his coded message.
Now, an usher who sort not to be named for security and retaliation consequences, revealed that Pastor James Ngángá had been chewing his own ushers, despite being married and the leader of the church.
When his fellow bishops knew about this issue, they approached him, and are said to have also informed his wife .
Heavy drinking, is another issue that brought high tension to the church over the last seven months.
“We hear these things (claims of infidelity and Nganga preying on the flock) in the media and in romours within the church but the pastor rubbishes them as the devil to bring down his ministries” said the source.
Besides sex scandal, it is believed that Pastor Ngángá’s numerous scandals had sent away alot of his followers, thus affecting their church offertory collection.
The greedy pastor, ordered all bishops to submit all their Sundays collection to his head office in Nairobi, and he would never send back any remittances to them.
To bring back his lost glory, he is said to have stage managed Rose Muhando’s demon removal sermon so as to win back the lost flock, an idea that failed terribly.
Pst Ngángá thus felt betrayed by the very people he thought he uplifted from poverty.