CS for Education Dr. Matiangi Fred has been in the news for his hawk eyed behavior on streamlining the well being of the rotten education system.
However, even under his watch, these girls still terrorize boys who want to keep their heads bowed down in the books.
Here are a group of girls Matiangi needs to have a special branch in order to crack them down!
1. Secrete Seducers
The target hardworking boys, who intern fall in love even if they did not wish to, they later dump them and move on with sponsors! Never mind the boy has already lost his future
2.Partying Class
The like partying in schools, such a gang is made up by a recipe of heavy drinkers and smokers of hard drugs! God forbid
They are a very good and fertile source of embarrassment, with them they do not care because their poor results on the reports defends their acts during the day. What a shame to parents who pay for their dear fees
4.Obsolete scenery
Such as the one pulling up the dress, they can even go nude, just to drive their point home, they never cease to get satisfied when trying to satisfy onlookers
They have their own dress code, even male teachers do not question, female teachers feel the pinch in the compe. But they never get on loose to trap the head master.
They are basically fearless!