Leaving a relationship is not easy and forgetting your ex-partner even less. At least sometimes. You fall into the doubt of whether you have done well, if you will miss, if you think of yourself or will be with others .Then, you wonder if you write or if you send WhatsApp messages.

In that sea of unknowns, you pick up the phone and open your conversation: writing to Whatsapp will be bad? What do I tell them? How do I start the conversation? Do I have something pending to release? The answer to all these questions is usually a typical message, basic, very seen and not at all successful!
Avoid these WhatsApp messages
Most of those things that you can pass through your head when talking to your ex are forbidden messages that will make you end up worse than you were. Here we review the 10 that you can never send.
- “Hey, how are you? How are you doing?”
Probably if you fall once in sending this, you will fall more than one! And you will only make your ex-boyfriend ask yourself: “What do you want? Where are you going with this conversation? Say hello, but if you have something to say, get to the point, the absurd conversation will not help at all . “
- “Please, let’s see us even if it’s a little while, I’ll go to your house and we’ll talk for a moment.”
One thing is that you want to go back to him or that you miss him and another that you fail in desperate plea. Do not!
- “Huy, sorry I was wrong conversation.”
Very old! We find it hard to believe that, coincidentally, you have made a mistake in your conversation and that you have written and entered your ex’s, but if so, why do you still have your conversation among recent ones? Be careful and never, never use that phrase: even if it’s true, you will not believe it!
- “My body misses you, we could only meet eleven.”
Fall in here that I catch you, here I kill you with him is not good! And less suggest a casual encounter and then if I have seen you I do not remember! It will not do you any good.
- “Why do not you answer me? I think I have not behaved so badly with you as not to deserve an answer.”
That to be aware of the blue ticks to see if he answers or will not be a little (or very) weird. Do not make yourself the victim! Maybe I have not been able to answer or do not want to answer you. Whatever it is, do not blame him for not answering something you wrote to him.
- “I still love you even more than the first day even though we can not be together anymore and you hate me”.
Never put yourself in mode “I’m going to pity you to answer me for sure”, do not look for words too cloying or romantic (remember, you are ex!) Or write phrases with too much love looking for their reaction.
- “I’ve seen a lot of pictures with that girl, are you bundled up or something? You can tell me, there is trust and we are friends.”
Errrrrror! Do not want to investigate things you do not want to know and do not try to be friends when, in fact, we all know that it is by gossip!
- “You have not changed, you acted the same when we were together and you continue doing it now”.
Do not fall into the resentful messages to throw something in your face when you were together. You will stay a little more comfortable but you will not really gain anything and, if you win something, it will be the distance between you. What do you need to endure to reproach when you are not longer dating?
- “I had some things left in the ink to tell you: …”
And then send a paragraph with some things you had always wanted to tell him and you never did. The past, the past is there and if you really have something to say, do it when the conversation ends and do not let go of it.
- “Can you give me your friend’s phone number?”
You need to add one: “Now that we have left, I want to stay with him.” That attempt at jealousy will never be good for either of you.