As a human being and member of a society you have several responsibilities, both with the people around you and with the environment and with yourself.
When you decide to be an entrepreneur, these responsibilities change because, as a business owner, (and, therefore, employer and seller of products or services) you have the opportunity to make a real impact on others.
As Uncle Ben, of Spiderman would say: “a great power carries a great responsibility”. To be a successful entrepreneur you must fulfill your responsibilities towards these five “publics”:
1.Your customers.
Richard Branson, CEO of Virgin Group, bases his business strategies on the client, always trying to satisfy him in the best way. Successful companies also do it and that’s why they have succeeded over the years. Your responsibility to the client is to offer the highest quality products and services, provide the best service and never to get a sale.
A good entrepreneur is honest and gives a good price / benefit ratio. Never use marketing to deceive or sell false expectations. It fulfills its promises and is willing to go beyond the usual to achieve loyalty and consumer satisfaction.
2. Your employees.
The moment you hire your first employee, you are accepting an enormous responsibility: the professional development and job satisfaction of a person depend on good part on you and your company. Therefore, as an entrepreneur and employer, you should try to offer a healthy work environment, where each person is respected and their opinion is considered.
Listen to all your collaborators and worry about their welfare. Remember that they are the ones who work so that your company exists and is profitable and that the better they feel, the better they will do their work. It is important that you give them feedback (and take care of the way to do it), congratulate them on the good results and be honest with them. Within your responsibility is also to give them a fair salary, as well as benefits – at least those dictated by law.
3. Your society.
Entrepreneurs are those who build the wealth of a country; they are those that generate jobs and income. Therefore, from the moment you start your business you must create a good for society, either by delivering services or products that meet needs or by developing solutions for problems such as pollution, poverty or low educational level. Your mission should be focused on creating some kind of good, you also have to fulfill your legal and fiscal responsibilities.
Make sure that your company complies with all the operating laws that are your responsibility and pay the taxes that correspond to you (although it is also important to have an intelligent system of payments and deductions). A good way to follow when developing your idea of Business is to think: What problems does my country have and how can I contribute to solve them in a sustainable way? Now, if your company is not focused on social or environmental objectives, then include some corporate responsibility actions in your model. It can be from donating money to foundations to activities such as planting trees or recycling garbage.
4. The environment.
Global warming and climate change are not words, they are realities that we still have time to reduce their impact. As an entrepreneur, in addition to starting a business that helps reduce pollution or promote recycling, you also have the opportunity to adopt a “green” mentality in your company and allow it to all your employees. Start by recycling paper, doing as much as possible digitally and reusing the print sheets.
Place garbage cans to separate garbage and avoid using disposable dishes, especially unicel. Implement energy saving systems, such as LED lighting, and invite your team to turn off lights and machines when they are not being used. Another idea is to motivate the use of the bicycle and the shared cars in your company. Also, invite them to do activities such as planting trees.
5. With yourself.
One way to transcend life is to create things that remain in time, and one of them is a successful business that has a positive impact on society. So if you bet on an entrepreneurial career, make sure you are following your passion and working on what you like the most. It’s not used having a company that generates a lot of money if you’re not happy with yourself.
Also, it is important that when you are aware of the risks and sacrifices, but also that your health and happiness go first. Avoid wearing yourself out more and stress affects your whole life. Do not stop exercising, eat healthy and sleep between 7 and 8 hours a day. Also, look for a balance in your life and work: do not neglect your family, meet from time to time with your friends and take a deserved vacation.