In addition to producing sperm and testosterone, there are certain curious facts of the testicles that would be nice to know

- The right testicle, in most cases, is larger and is located higher than the left testicle.
- According to researchers at Emory University, Atlanta, United States, men who have smaller tests tend to be better parents. How are your partners?
- They are very sensitive. A stroke in them can cause a faint, loss of consciousness for a couple of minutes or, even, that the adrenaline levels shoot up and, consequently, cause a cardiac arrest.
- They can double in size and get hard during sex. But after the meeting “under the sheets”, they return to their natural state.
- On average, they release an average of 200 million sperm!
- Men who are born with only one testicle are just as likely to have a child as men who have both.