There are always ways to improve our productivity at work. Time management is one of the most common challenges that a worker must face if he wants to improve his performance and move up in position.
Being organized and thorough with your work and materials can save you a lot of time and help you stay more focused on the tasks at hand.
Along with this, prior planning and a forecast of the time you will need for urgent tasks can be key in your time management and how you use it.
2. Aware of the effect of procrastination
Rambling on other topics when you have to finish a report can be counterproductive, as is requiring you to finish your work on the run, neglecting its quality.
However, if you must dedicate your time to a creative task, allow your mind to seek stimulation and work more freely to find the solution you are looking for.
3. Time to read and time to produce
It is very common, although also wrong, that the days of millions of workers begin by consulting the list of emails pending to be read, investing the time of maximum productivity in secondary and repetitive tasks.
Assess and divide the time well according to the priority of the work, your productivity peaks and the coordination with the rest of the team.
4.Stop notifications
Above all, dedicate your rest time to check them, attend them or allow them to interrupt your work day at any time.
Effectively unplugging when it’s time to break also affects productivity.
5. Worry about what you won’t have time to do
It is one of the most erroneous ways of spending energy, time and creating a non-positive and motivating state of mind.
Before wasting time talking about problems, focus on how you can fix them or lessen their negative consequences.
6. The double-edged sword of emails
They greatly speed up our tasks, but they also steal a lot of time that we must dedicate to our main professional tasks.
7. The talks at work
Having a relaxed chat at some point during the day or during breaks is very positive, but it is not the general tone of the work day, affecting your attention and lengthening the time you dedicate to each task.
Each person works differently, so it is very beneficial that you spend time thinking about the way you work, how you can improve it and try new methodologies of organization and time management.