Whether you were the first to grow up in your group of friends, or keep waiting for them to appear, you have to know that boobies develop in different ways for all girls, in the same way that it is typical

If you do not know what is normal and what is not. Take off your doubts and check this information you should know!
1.Follicles in the nipples
Do not freak out if around your nipples appear a pair of black hairs (or more than one pair). Most people have hairs around their area, and the amount you have depends on your genes and your hormones.
It’s totally normal and it’s nothing you should be ashamed of! If they bother you, you can remove them with tweezers, or cut them with nail scissors. However, if you have too much hair, you may have a hormonal imbalance, and it is best to talk with your doctor.
2.One boobie is bigger than the other
Having two breasts, or nipples, that are different sizes is something that you should not worry about, especially when you’re still in puberty.
The biggest difference can be noticed when the boobs are just developing, but they do not stress, because eventually, they will reach a similar size (even if they have to keep in mind that they will never be identical).
If you notice a very marked difference, you can buy a padded bra and remove the padding from one side of the bra. If the difference is more than a bra size, go to your doc. Related image
3.Growing boobies
Most girls do not reach their end braces until they turn 17 or 18, and some others continue to develop until they are 20.
But do not worry too much about size, remember that small boobs are as pretty as big
4.If your boobies hurt you sometimes
There are two moments when it is super normal to hurt:
1) When you are in full development, your skin and nerves are stretched to make room to fill more and this can cause a sensation like sore muscle and
2) The wave of hormones that your period comes off makes your boobies are very sensitive, and if your breasts are large, you may feel pain to be in contact with your clothes, especially if you play a sport.
In any of the cases, if you want to reduce the pain, you can try to put on a cold compress.
5.Balls in your boobies
Maybe you heard that if you find lumps in your breasts it is likely that you have cancer, but do not worry, it is super normal to find one or even several lumps in your breasts.
Most women come out because of hormones or changes in tissue, however, if the ball hurts, or does not disappear in a certain time, it is best to visit your doctor, just to be more quiet.
7.Black nipples
The colored circle around each of your nipples is called “halo.” Some women have black nipples, while others have more pink ones, and that is something totally normal, everything depends on the genes!
8.Small bumps in your boobies
Quiet! Those bumps that you can see around the areola are small glands that secrete oil and help your nipples to not get cracked at the time of breastfeeding.
Regardless of the color, size and shape of your boobies, you must love them and always take care of them!