In many houses of the world coffee is the true alarm clock of our bodies. That is to say, as automata we hear the morning alarm of the clock and we rise, but we are really awake when that characteristic aroma floods our kitchen and the black elixir reaches our mouth.
Currently coffee is the best selling and consumed stimulant drink in the world, comes from a shrub called coffea arabica and since the first merchant extracted it from his native Arabia, has not stopped traveling the world. It contains high concentrations of caffeine, an exciting alkaloid of the central nervous system that can lead to dependence, so doctors indicate moderate ingestion.
Much of the mystique that surrounds this infusion comes perhaps from the impossibility of automating their cultivation, these plants demand moist and fertile lands that are not exposed to the Sun. The shadow of the mountains is their most favorable environment and the careful attention of the man who He must harvest with his own hands the ripe fruits.
These seeds are then subjected to a long drying, roasting and pulverizing process on which their quality depends. There are different varieties, including arabica, typical of the finest coffees, containing about 1% caffeine, half of which is in the robust, for example.
Stimulating coffee
Among the various forms of coffee making the expresso stands out for being the most stimulating of all, the procedure used by steam under pressure is much more effective than that of the classic coffee makers where infusion and filtration takes place.
But if the secret is in a caffeine, it is good to know that this type of alkaloid is also the leaves, seeds or fruit of 60 other special vegetables in the world. It easily penetrates all the cells of the organism, especially those of the nervous system. It is eliminated with urine between 3 and 6 hours after ingested its effect is not cumulative.
Its most important action is to stimulate the transmission of nerve impulses between nerve cells or neurons. Therefore, daily amounts of caffeine of less than 200 mg (the equivalent of two or three cups of coffee a day), are known to tone up the body, relieve fatigue, favor intellectual functions and may even be useful in case of mildew (Fainting), since caffeine provides an emergency stimulus, but does not solve the cause of the disorder. Excess can cause tremors, nervousness, insomnia, palpitations, and even affects the ability to perform in people who are not used to taking it.
Caffeine Addiction
But caffeine can create dependence quickly. It is enough to take from 400 to 600 mg daily for another two weeks approximately and we will be hooked with risk to even suffer from the withdrawal syndrome that can manifest itself in the form of tiredness, nervous irritability, inability to concentrate, anxiety, headache, tremors and others Physical symptoms