In a shocking incident, a fifth year student at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology was shot while trying to sneak and access State House based in Nairobi.

Brian Kibet Bera aged 25 years old, is studying Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.
Security officers spotted him climbing over ‘Gave Bravo’ before shooting him down.
Police say that Mr. Kibet was shot in his left arm after he threatened security guards with a knife upon being told to surrender.
He is currently receiving treatment at Kenyatta National Hospital after being booked at Kilelelshwa police station
Before the security breach moment from Kibet, he had announced his missions on Facebook.

In 2018, yet another related case, William Ngene was court loitering inside State House.
“I wanted to see State House with my own eyes because I only get to see it on newspapers and television which made me curious,” William told the court.
William had climbed two security fences without being caught .