A crazy looking house, marked with hate and bitterness, is the least we can use to explain polygamy marriages.

While many have chosen to rebuke it, we have some who are loving it to the core.
And it doesn’t just stop there, they go ahead to show off their lovely polygamy marriages, proving that it can really work.
We have featured a list of Kenyan celebs who are determined to make polygamy marriages work again in the modern era.
1.Muigai wa Njoroge
The Kigutha song hit-maker is one of the few lucky guys to hit a jackpot and is all over written his face.

People who saw marrying two wives as a plague come rushing onto him so as to learn on how to live with two wives.

His photos pasted all over social media, shows a man who is leaving the dream of many married men with two wives.

The amount of love accorded to this gentleman, cannot be expressed in words.
2.Gov. Wycliffe Oparanya
We will also expect Head of Council of Governor’s Wycliffe Oparanya, to lead a marriage full of chaos and unending competitions

But we are totally wrong.
Priscillah Oparanya and Caroline Oparanya have been serving as first ladies of Kakamega county for more than 8 years now.
They showed up together at a public function in Kisii, during the Mashujaa Day celebration
3.Late John De’Mathew
Kikuyu benga musician late John De’Mathew led a polygamy life that was not only love-bale but also memorable .

Even it times of death which looks like the beginning of fights, the two wives vowed to love one another.

First wife Sabina Wairimu went ahead and pledged support for her co-wife, Caroline Waithira.

’ No one will come between us. I recognize Ms Waithira as the second wife and she respects me. In fact, when the late could not get his favourite shirt, I could call her to ask whether it was in her home. Our children love each other and it is hard to know which one belongs to which mother,’’ De’Mathew’s first wife said during the burial.
4.MP David Gikaria
Nakuru Town East MP David Gikaria is a man who is married to three wives .

However during a function, he could only introduce to, as the other one was attending to maternity matters.
In a public rally, he showed off Veronica Wairimu and Dorcas Wangui.
5.Jackson Kibor

Prominent Eldoret business man Jackson Kibor is a polygamist to boot.
The mythical digital chairman of team mafisi aka head of Men’s Conference, is married to two wives and never shy of publicity .

6.Kapseret MP Oscar Sudi
The viral Tanga Tanga MP is also in a marriage of two wives.

Oscar Sudi is married to Lilian Sudi who is the first wife and Ann Sudi who is the second.
He has never kept them out of publicity because he is so proud of them.
7.Francis Atwoli
COTU secretary general Francis Atwoli brags in public for being a husband to Mary Kilobi and Roselinder Simiyu.

Atwoli and KTN anchor Kilobi’s marriage which happened few years ago, gave Atwoli bragging rights as the most shrewd man of many wives title in Kenya