Social networks make love breaks a thousand times more difficult. Sometimes we think that, after cutting with someone, the most “mature” decision is to continue as friends on Facebook. ERROR.
According to a study, keeping your ex among your Facebook friends can increase your suffering after the breakup. Also, it could cause you to feel sexual desire for that person and nostalgia for the relationship that ended. Snif!
Do not text you lover
In an interview with Mic, the psychologist Tara Marshall spoke of two reasons why people keep in touch with their exes: either they refuse to erase them because they still feel an emotional bond, or they care so little that they do not even remember to erase them.
If the first option is your case and you still suffer from the breakup, the solution is to erase your ex right now. NOW, I SAID. Run to erase it and come back. Already? Very good.
Other recent research suggests that stalking your ex may increase anxiety and jealousy. So, the less you know about that person in social networks, the easier it will be to replenish you and continue with your normal life.