University of Nairobi Students Association (UNSA) made history in April 2019 when a law student Anne Mwangi Mvurya was elected as the first female ever chair to serve on the coveted seat.

“Congratulations! Anne Mwangi becomes the first University of Nairobi [female]Student Leader, after nearly 50 years in existence. SONU has since been rebranded to UNSA,” tweeted University of Nairobi’s Vice-Chancellor Peter Mbithi.
Ms Mwangi got 24 votes against Samuel Ayoma’s eight while Ertiman Oile got only 4 votes.
She will dethrone outgoing chair Antony Manyara.
UoN politics were reshaped by Universities Amendment Bill in 2016 which was signed by President Uhuru Kenyatta.
The bill demanded among other issues, leaders to serve a maximum of two terms .
The amendment had been triggered by the former UoN student MP Babu Owino who had served more than two terms on controversial basis.
Here are key facts about Anne Mwangi.
- The cute looking Anne Mwangi Mvurya was born 20 years ago in 1998
- Anne Mwangi is a third year law student
- Her campaign tag was dabbed Team Twaweza
- She was also branded Miss Beauty and Brains during the campaigns
- Anne Mwangi, shares a name and a striking resemblance with Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru
- Top politicians congratulated her, including Anne Waiguru and President Uhuru Kenyatta’s former speech writer, Eric Ng’eno
- She dismissed claims that she is related to the governor, but promised to meet her and discuss ancestral lineage.
- Among her first task as the chairlady, is to tour all campuses collecting student views
- She also wants to facilitate the changing of the student’s KATIBA to make it possible for students to elect the chair directly instead of using electoral college
- Besides her status, she is beautiful, and all intelligent with striking IQ in politics