Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru got her engagement ring at a deluxe hotel in Nairobi, the Lord Eroll hotel.

The event happened on 16th February 2019, two days after Valentine’s Day, which saw former Devolution CS and City lawyer Kamotho Waiganjo get their engagement official.
Waiganjo stated that “It was a beautiful ceremony. The time was right for us to take our relationship to the next level”.
Waiguru also confirmed that the event took place.
I was completely surprised. We had not been talking about formalising our relationship so I did not expect it. We had just come from holidays and were celebrating his birthday as we do with close friends every year.”
The two first met in Likoni, Mombasa near the ferry before they shared a bread and a soda. That was however 10 years ago in 2009.
Waiganjo was convinced and right from that moment, started pursuing her with phone calls and sms.
“She was on phone the whole time. I had to ask her why she was not paying attention to our date,” says Kamotho.
This forced them to make relationship ‘laws’ when they are together.
“We agreed that when we are together and with family, phones are kept aside unless it is completely necessary. I am not doing badly nowadays,” Waiguru confirmed.

10 Facts About Lawyer Kamotho
- He is a former commissioner at the Commission for Implementation of the Constitution (CIC)
- Same as with Governer Waiguru, they are divorced from their first marriages Waiguru has three kids from first marriage.
- Kamotho has been working as a Standard Group columnist since 2009, making it a total of 10 years, same period he knew Waiguru.
- He is a senior partner at Kamotho Maiyo & Mbatia Advocates, formed 14 years ago in 1996.
- He studied Master of Laws (LL.M.), International Trade Law between 2005-2006 and Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) in 1984-1987. Both from the University of Nairobi. Where Governor Waiguru studied
master’s degree in Economic Policy and Planning - While serving as a CIC member between 2011 and 2015, he worked with other commissioners to see through the overseeing, facilitation and coordination of the implementation of the constitution of Kenya 2010
- Kamotho paid Waiguru dowry according to the Kikuyu customs . Kamotho has been organizing to settle down with Waiguru via cool wedding that is underway
- When they met in Likoni, Kamotho was a team leader and Waiguru had been sent to advise them on the public finance chapter
- Kamotho revealed also that their ex spouses were in ‘support’ of their new found love
- During ‘ruracio’ – Kikuyu traditional wedding, Kamotho had to pick out Waiguru from other women dressed with lessos and heads covered