As a result of the new Ebola outbreak we leave you 10 basic information points about the disease.

1.- Ebola virus disease (EVE) is not contagious as long as the patient does not have bleeding, vomiting and diarrhea.
2.- As the incubation period (that between the moment the infection is acquired and the symptoms appear) is from 2 to 21 days, it is necessary to alert the passengers coming from the risk areas because a passenger may not present signs when boarding the plane but develop them later.
3.-The outbreak occurs in West Africa, especially in Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone. So far, 1711 cases and 932 deaths have been reported. Fatality rates of 50% to 90% have been described.
4 .- The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) advises to avoid trips that are not essential to affected destinations and the World Health Organization (WHO) warns of the need to increase surveillance measures, control and awareness among travelers.
5 .- The risk of infection for travelers by tourism or work is very low, because as mentioned above, most human Ebola infections are due to direct contact with secretions, blood or other bodily fluids of infected patients. all in hospitals.
6 .- The risk increases if it is professionals of the health team or volunteers dedicated to the care of patients with Ebola who have not adopted the recommended safety measures.
7.- Tourists should avoid contact with infected patients and / or their secretions.
8.- The differential diagnosis requires different laboratory tests.
9.- Severe cases require intensive care, since they are usually dehydrated and need rehydration through intravenous or oral solutions containing electrolytes.
10.- There is still no specific treatment or vaccine, neither for people nor for animals.
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