Attention does not require as much effort as you think. If not, think about how little it cost you to have your partner in mind all day in the early days of falling in love. Of course, time passes, of course, that falling in love can not be maintained forever, but dedication to your partner, without neglecting yourself is something you can do every day.
Here we leave you with a list of small details that you can gradually incorporate into your daily life as a couple and that will make that flame of love never go out:
1. A caress. What if, in the morning, before you leave home, you give him a hug? It will not wait!
2. An unexpected kiss. Try one day that you are shopping and you get off to kiss him. You will love it!
3. A good morning message. Who does not like receiving a whatapp with some emoticon? Send it to mid-morning and you’ll make the day brighter.
4. Imagine that you are in your job, you have had a day of dogs and you go out to the street and you find that your partner is waiting for you. If you like it, him too.
5. Interactive gift. Surely there is more than one song that is part of your soundtrack. Search the topic on youtube and send it by mail.
6. Sharing hobbies. Football, paddle, read a book … what does your guy like to do in his spare time? It may be something that gives you laziness, but it does not hurt if one day you accompany him to a party or practice with him.
7. Today I cook! You can eat with kisses and also … eat a pizza that you cook!
8. Retrieving traditions! Yes, it may sound another century, but just as you send a whatapp or an email, why do not you take your writer’s vein and write you a love letter?
9. A movie love! Rainy days when it’s lazy to get out there is no better plan than riding the home cinema. Make a list together of the titles that you most love, prepare the popcorn and 3, 2, 1 … action!
10. Love games! And if yours are more conversations or games, here’s an idea. Take pencil and paper and draw each one how you see the other. You can also make a list with good things that you like the other and others you would change (do not give too much sugar).