Getting a call back after experiencing a daunting job interview is the best thing every job looker hopes. One even hopes to get that message informing him or her about the marks scored even if they did not pass the interview.

But sometimes, you get nothing, and leaves one wondering where the rains started beating them. Here are some of the mistakes you might have done when asking them questions.
- You easily get offended during the interview at some point, or you seemed so much defensive.
- You mentioned all the firms you have worked for and even talked negatively about them, the new employer will be scared of being the next victim you will talk about negatively
- You answered all the questions too right, sometimes some questions are meant to see your sincereness, answering all of them likens you to a jack of all trades but a master of none.
- Your body language and facial expression also contributes to your interview marks, if not aware, this could be a failing ground for you.