5 Reasons Why Hapa Kule News Was Disbanded By KTN . It is now the second week without the taste of a popular TV comedy show on KTN. Hosted by Fred Omondi aka Anchor wa Power and Abel Mutua. The show is said to have had an axe of separation fall on them due to several mirage of reasons.

Since then. The show has been replaced by Mazagazaga a Swahili drama of itself that relates and punctuates with the coastal and Tanzanian Swahili community.
The following are some of the reasons the Hapa Kule news was brought off the air waves.
- The show has received constantly low ratings that are supposed to have accorded such a show with a huge and expensive airtime on such a prime local TV show. The managers claimed that such will endanger advertiser’s interest in the firm and bring about losses considering the kind of strong competition in the industry.
- On the 1st Thursday, they crew were told that KTN TV seeks to interfere their program due to English Premier League, thus were told, the crew, not to go on shooting scenes. Thus KTN will be seeking to bring forth more EPL matches on Thursdays respectively.
- The main characters such as Njugush claimed that the show took a session off to revamp and come out stronger. Even though no official communication had been made by the stakeholders.
- The company is said to be still laying off its expensive employees, thus trying to cut the cost, a retrenchment program that started one year ago.
- Lastly, it was scrapped to bring another fresh breath of a comedy show, Mazagazaga.
Hapa Kule news won an award at Kalasha awards since its conception in November 2015.
By Simon Ingari