Kenya’s 2010 constitution has been very clear since the time it was set then in August 2010. Even though it has provided rules and regulations in every aspect of a Kenyan, very few of us have bothered to read while it is very vital to do so.

Take for example, do you know what it says about marriage, have you ever read the Marriage Act in detail and understood even when you were not planning to do a divorce or a marriage?
You answer is likely to be a no.
But here are some of the tips you need to know before you obtain a marriage certificate
Under Section 10 (1) of the Marriage Act, a person shall not marry:
- (a) that person’s grandparent, parent, child, grandchild, sister, brother, cousin, great aunt, great uncle, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, great niece or great nephew;
- (b) the grandparent, parent, child or grandchild of that person’s spouse or former spouse;
- (c) the grandparent, parent, child or grandchild of that person’s former spouse;
- (d) a person whom that person has adopted or by whom that person has been adopted; or
- (e) any other person where such marriages is prohibited under customary law.
- (2) For the purposes of this section, a relationship of the half-blood is a bar to marriage.
- (3) A person who, by this section, is forbidden to marry shall be said to be within a prohibited marriage relationship.
- (4) The marriage of a person with that person’s cousin does not apply to persons who profess the Islamic faith.