End a relationship is always painful and it is believed that women suffer more, but a scientific study proved that in reality the pain is greater in men after a break up.
When the break up is sudden, the blow to mental health can be much greater, however, psychologists found 4 reasons why men suffer more after ending a relationship.
There is more pain in men after a break
According to psychologists at Binghampton University, women in principle may be the most affected after a breakup, although at the same time they usually recover faster than men.
They take longer to overcome it for these 4 reasons:
1.Communication problems
Several studies have shown that both women and men after a break experience the same emotions, with the difference that they do not usually talk about their feelings.
Mila Cahue, a doctor of psychology and author of books, explains that women handle stress verbally, which is very beneficial because it represents a support network.
“Men tend to handle it by acting: they run, they take the dog out and they start playing the video game console, and this means more solitary management. Even when there are men who have the ability to call and converse with a friend, this proportion is notoriously lower, “the expert added.
Rupture for lack of love
Calhue explains that after a separation, he is better than being left for another, instead of receiving “I do not love you anymore”.
This happens because in the first case, the individual sees it as a competition in which I have simply lost. But in the second case, do not leave them for anyone, the effect can be devastating and even incomprehensible to them.
“It involves questioning their worth (I’m not worth) and this, logically, profoundly affects the concept of themselves. So much so that they tend to be the most difficult breaks to overcome,” says Cahue.
They are better in pairs
Studies conducted at the Harvard Medical School indicate that the health of married men is much better than that of those who remain single or are divorced.
Experts believe that most men are not prepared to return to their old lives after a break, as this represents a rather complex challenge.
Other studies show that living as a couple makes men have a better quality of life, because they usually worry that they have a good diet and a healthy lifestyle.
The chemistry of our brains is different
Research points out that in critical situations such as separation, the chemical brain chemical substances that are not very beneficial.
In an experiment conducted with rodents, researchers saw how they were separated from their partners produced a large amount of corticosterone, the hormone associated with stress, isolation and high levels of anxiety.
But although it seems, a break is not the end of the world, on the contrary, it is a new opportunity to mature and better.
“Failing to be with the wrong person or in a painful sentimental experience is a sign of emotional intelligence The error, without a doubt, is to stay in error”, concludes the psychologist Cahue.