Facebook Set To Introduce Ads In Your Videos
After increasing video traffic within Facebook through live broadcasts, Mark Zuckerberg said he plans to introduce ads on them to take advantage of the farthest corners of the platform. Anonymous…
Apple Contemplates On Backdating Its New iPhone 8
Apple has been one of the pioneers in launching devices which take great care in design. The use of aluminum and glass (two components that give cleanness and simplicity) has…
7 Quotes From Kenya’s Best Successful Entrepreneurs To Watch In 2017
In Kenya, especial the leap year 2016, has seen a huge deficit in employment and the number of Jobs that are being created in each day. This therefore demands a…
KU February Career Week To Enhance Entrepreneurship And Employment Skills
The annual Kenyatta University Career Week 2017 will be held from January 28th to 3rd February 2017 at the University’s main campus located in Nairobi city. The theme for this…
Computer Instructors Needed In Nairobi
If you are a qualified Computer and at least you got an experience, that is an added advantage to your CV. Computer instructors are needed in Buruburu immediately who need…
Chipukeezy And Erick Omondi Fondle Their Gadgets In Camera Flares
When Erick Omondi and Chipukeezy met in a secluded party club, comedy was expected. But is not the drama they are used to get paid. It is the drama they…
Vera Sidika Covers All Her Business In A Breathalyzing Linen Cloth
Even though Vera Sidika was pictured in a fully closing Buibui in Mombasa, fans could still feel their was nothing to be imagined. Vera Sidika has crossed their eyes with…
World Cup Will Have 48 Teams
The council of the FIFA unanimously approved this Tuesday unanimously the expansion that ensures will benefit to a greater number of countries that until now have not had the possibility…
Owner Of T.S.S Bus Company Takes His Last Breath In South Africa
The cruel hand of death has again plucked a business tycoon barely in 2017. The family of Tahir Sheikh Said reported today morning the death of TSS which happened in…
10 Best Of 2017 Hit Knock Knock Memes That Will Knock You Down- Part 2
The knock knock memes has rocked and played over 2017 in a span of days. No one who knows the where abouts but it has proved to be a real…
10 Best Of 2017 Hit Knock Knock Memes That Will Knock You Down- Part 1
The knock knock memes has rocked and played over 2017 in a span of days. No one who knows the where abouts but it has proved to be a real…
Utalii College Free Refresher Courses Forms Are Out
Kenya Utalii College will be conducting some refresher courses in the month of April this year 2017. The courses will run for 2 weeks and are free. The deadline for…
8 Tips To Keep Your Smartphone Safer In 2017
Security is everyone's business. Users need to collaborate to avoid malicious actions on mobile applications. In this sense, we share with you a series of general recommendations to make safer…
Apply For Youth Funding And Mentorship Program
The ministry of trade and cooperatives is running an initiative to empower young and innovative businesses through funding and mentorship in the upcoming Nairobi innovation week. Strathmore has partnered to…