UNESCO, in collaboration with the Government of Israel is offering a number of fellowships to research scholars from developing countries.

Introductory Sessions:
The world of slums in an international urban development context, Integrated assets based strategic approach to urban development, migration and development Urban Area Revitalization – The Israeli
Experience :
The Israeli context – features, processes and indicators of urban poverty; Policies and strategies : Urban Renewal, Clearance and Construction, Infill – and their relevancy to developing countries Implementation Mechanisms : Local and national planning and management tools and legal frameworks, Organizational platforms for planning, implementation and management; Developing institutional capacities; the role of the different stakeholders – central and local government, civil society and private sector Slum upgrading and service delivery from different angles: The public sector (improving living conditions, empowering communities, small-scale infrastructure development and social services through urban upgrading; the private sector – financial opportunities with benefits to the public, project management; civil society – building community resilience, participation and empowerment to ensure benefits for the community) Field Visits, Practical Exercises and Small Groups Assignments. About the
In order to promote human resource capacities in the developing countries through intensive training and to enhance international understanding and friendship among peoples of the world and the people of Israel, the Government of Israel is placing at the disposal of UNESCO a number of fellowships for the benefit of certain Member States (especially the least developed countries) within the framework of the UNESCO Co-Sponsored Fellowships Programme. Also Read : Why English Language Is So Hard – Picture Illustration This international training course will provide the participants with: Knowledge and skills to enable them to develop a comprehensive approach to address urban challenges and formulate citywide slum upgrading policy – that integrates infrastructure, land environment, urban service systems as well as human capital and community development & economic activities; A better understanding of public-private-community partnership where local governments and the various stakeholders develop an “ownership of the planning, implementation and management of an area-based development process; Knowledge and skill in financial and organizational tools and how to mobilize the signifacant amount of resources required for such a development process and to promote and sustain implementation; and Tools and mechanisms which are utilized successfully for social integration and migration absorption, from working youth till elderly. Type: Fellowship Eligibility: The course is intended for planners, architects, engineers, economists, community workers, administrators and policy makers working in government ministries (such as local government, housing, development, welfare, health and others); local authorities, NGOs and CBOs active in the field, as well as business organizations and academic institutions engaged with slum upgrading programs; Be proficient in reading and writing in English, the language of instruction; (if the language of instruction is not the mother tongue, a certificate of language proficiency must be provided); and Candidates must be professionals with at least 2 years of practical experience in the subject of training, under the age of 55 years old. Selection Criteria: The final selection of the fellowship beneficiaries will be made by the MASHAV (Israel) in cooperation with UNESCO on a competitive basis. Number of Awardees: Two (2) candidates each from involved countries Also Read : List of Shortlisted Candidates For Agbami Medical and Engineering Scholarship 2016 Value of Scholarship: Facilities offered by Mashav Registration and tuition free of charge; Free accommodation (Participants will reside at “Reisfeld Residence” of the Faculty of Agriculture in Rehovot, Israel); and Health insurance and free basic medical care (This does not include dental treatments, pregnancy, eyeglasses, and chronic illnesses.). Facilities offered by UNESCO UNESCO will cover international travel expenses (at the most economical airfare) within the framework of the 2016-2017 Fellowships Programme; and One-time special allowance amounting to US$100. Duration of Scholarship: From 30th August to 29th September 2016 How to Apply: All applications, indicating clearly the course for which candidates are applying, should be endorsed by the relevant Government body (such as the UNESCO National Commission or Permanent Delegation for UNESCO) and must be made on MASHAV Application form. Each Member State can nominate a maximum of two (2) candidatures.. Applications must be sent only by e-mail to the to Mr. Stoyan Bantchev, Chief of the Participation Programme and Fellowships Section s.bantchev(at)unesco.org with copy to a.zeitune(at)unesco.org and i.ibn-mokrane(at)unesco.org. The applications should be submitted with the following attachments: MASHAV Application Form, duly completed; Certified copies of diploma(s); Certificate of language proficiency; and Only selected candidates will be required to provide a certificate of good health issued by a physician.
Visit Scholarship Webpage for details Award Provider:
UNESCO, Government of Isreal Important Notes: Expenses such as the processing of visa, accommodation, meals and insurance during transit and/or prolonged stay in Israel are not covered by this fellowship.