Yes, you can solve that addiction through realistic means even without seeing the doors of a rehab! This article will invoke research and psychological tips from Therapist specialist Dr. Stanton Peele to help you beat drugs, relationship struggles, betting or any other addiction! Noteworthy, the article does NOT vilify you or your pleasures or force you to do anything against your will. It is only targeted to those who feel they are headed the wrong way with addiction.
Dr. Peele is a leading author of several books on recovering from different kinds of addiction. Cemented on years of scientific research, he has written books that are based on realistic clinical methodologies to help you forget addiction, for life!
Dont lose hope: Addiction is not the end
Addiction makes you feel a lesser human. Your dreams fade off in the realization that you cannot control yourself. You remember your past and get nostalgic. Your mind is clogged with guilt. You get financial constraints and most unbearably, you lose most of your friends. Addiction is psychological, as much as it is physical. The brain controls you to do things that stimulate the body towards something through the psycho-motor. Here are tips to help you get your sobriety back.
Have your values?
It is important to set out a list of things you value in life. The values will guide your heart to doing things that are beneficial to you. The value system is the reason why morality thrives in a society, and in a person as well. But also, the values will help you work out on things that are important and respectful for you.
What motivates you?
The worst thing a person who wants to do away with addiction can do is have a downside up motivation. This is where the person gets motivated only if he pleases the urge of addiction, as opposed to doing better things. But you need to guide your motivation from the addiction to other worthy things such as personal achievements.
Do you reward yourself?
The reason people indulge into addictive things in the first place is due to wrong rewards. If you fail to appreciate yourself for the little good things you do, you might end up getting depressed and thus, result to addiction for solace. Therefore, make sure you reward yourself for the small things you do. Buy something you like when you have the money. Get good clothes, smart phone, invest, eat chicken etc… This will change your reward system for the better!
What resources are you ready to engage?
Addiction consumes a lot of resources, either directly or indirectly. You spend lots of money to have that sip, splash out or other pleasures. If drinking is your addiction, then you are better placed to understand this better. But also, you can use the same amount of money you spend on this to make bigger dreams, right?
Where do you run for support?
Nothing works better than getting supported. It is important you get some trusted person you can share your story with and commit yourself to change. Speaking out helps, you deal with self-esteem issues. At least, you might learn that there are other people going through the same problem as yours. But first verify the resourcefulness and trustworthiness of the person. Some addictions are way too ‘private’.
Define your maturity!
Maturity is much more than just that the massive physique. It’s all about the mind. Anyone can say ‘yes’. But it takes a mature person to learn and actually say ‘NO’ at the right time. This is the strongest, perfect way of dealing with addiction at an personal level!
Set your goals up high!
Well, most addictions erode our dreams. They take away all the wishes we have and replace them with things we unwillingly do. But what if we get dreams set so high we can die for them? The weaker passion (addiction) would have to pave way for the stronger (dream). Solved!
With the tips above, you will be able to win the war against addiction. Dr. Peele urges his clients and readers not to mistake addiction with illnesses! struggling with addiction is not struggling with diseases! You can solve this, even by yourself. You can start dreaming again. You can rise again! You can achieve those lost dreams.