Some of the professions in Kenya, will likely see some motorists branded as bad or dangerous drivers based on the nature of the job.

However, having such a job that turns you to be bad driver has no excuse when it comes to avoiding accidents
Kenyan traffic law demands that at all costs, lives should be saved while using roads.
The professions most likely to see you branded a ‘dangerous’ driver in Kenya
1.Emergency Drivers
Drivers under the control of emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire engines are the prolific traffic law breakers
Because of the need to rush to the hospital and other emergency centres, they even use wrong lanes and at many times putting other lives in danger.
2.VVIP escorts
Famous politicians, billionaires and showbizz celebs would want to break traffic rules and spend less time on traffic snarl ups just because they are late.
As a result, traffic laws will be in jeopardy as well as minding other road users
MPs, Governors and Cabinet Secretaries will also fall under such category, being their driver, you will get yourself on the wrong side of the law.
3.Security agencies
Security agencies in charge of providing impromptu security such as transfer of money are also a notorious lot.
The vehicles will always give priority to their own interests without minding innocent road users
4.Police vehicles
Just like emergency vehicles, police driven vehicles will rarely respect traffic rules.
Even those without government plates but driven with police, will still break rules
5.Army drivers
Just like police , vehicles driven by KDF members are likely to break traffic laws, but not as often as their fellows in police sector
6.Matatu and PSV workers
Perhaps the most notorious industry when it comes to the law issues.
Matatu drivers under PSV will work towards their daily targets and that would mean that they are likely to cause issues with traffic police and other motorists
On many occasions when there is breaking news, one will notice notable vehicles from media houses in a rush, parked on wrong sides or even using wrong lanes so as to get the best shot of the footage
Diplomats in Kenya will always want to catch up with their daily schedules such as flights, meetings, conferences etc.
But not being well conversant with traffic alerts on Kenyan roads could render them later, and may need to compensate that by overlapping or overspeeding among other traffic related offenses.
9.Long Trucks
Long trucks are a problem on the road, and the worse part is the fact that they are so many on the roads over very log distances.
They are a menace when you try to overtake them, some truck drivers will not slow down or give way for others
Others are usually driven carelessly by exhausted drivers or turn-boys
10.Driving school instructor
Instructors at driving schools must be having tough days at work, and even at home when they imagine of the nature of their job.
Teaching someone to drive on busy Kenyan roads is a matter of life and death in equal measure.